Metal Allegiance, Sons of Apollo, Transatlantic, John Petrucci (live), Noturnall (live), John Arch, ex- Liquid Trio Experiment, ex- Rising Power, ex- Majesty, BPMD, Flying Colors, Neal Morse Band, The Winery Dogs, Yellow Matter Custard, Bigelf (live), ex- Dream Theater, ex- S.A.
The scene where Ben electrocutes himself is longer and more graphic.Bozzio Levin Stevens, ex- Liquid Trio Experiment, California Guitar Trio, King Crimson, KLM, Levin Brothers, Peter Gabriel, Stick Men, Tony Levin, ex-Aha, the Attack of the Green Slime Beast, ex-Alice Cooper, ex-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe, ex-Andy Summers, ex-Bruford Levin Upper Extremitie, ex-Chuck Mangione Quartet, ex-Discipline, ex-L'Image, ex-Mike Manieri & Friends / White Elephant, ex-ProjeKct Four, ex-ProjeKct One, ex-ProjeKct Six, ex-ProjeKct Three, ex-Spin 1ne 2wo, ex-The Claims, ex-The Crimson Projekct, ex-The Family of Mann, ex-The Gap Mangione Trio, ex-Claudio Baglioni (live), ex-Paul Simon (live). Ben and Jane return home and embrace after Megumi's funeral. Bruno's death scene is slightly more graphic. An extension of the meeting between Ben, Jane, and Murase. A shot of Jane following Ritsuo to his room. A new scene where Ben sees a shape in the distance only for it to turn out to be one of the models instead. The scene with the model Emi is slightly longer. A small scene of Jane traversing the streets of Tokyo. The highway scene is extended to show Megumi sliding off the car before she disappears. Another new scene where Ben and Jane explore the basement of their new home. A completely new scene where Bruno shows Ben and Jane around in their studio home.
Small extensions to scenes already in the theatrical cut.An unrated version was released for the DVD and Blu-ray with 5 extra minutes of footage, clocking in at 90 minutes as opposed to the 85 minute theatrical cut, the changes include: